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  • CHRS Interpretation of ECG's Series

CHRS Interpretation of ECG's Series

  • Tuesday, April 19, 2022
  • 8:00 PM
  • Virtual - Zoom

The Canadian Heart Rhythm Society (CHRS) Presents: INTERPRETATION OF ECG's SERIES, an ACCREDITED SECTION 3 live and interactive program.

CHRS is producing a four-part series of theme-based sessions on interpretation of ECG's (tachyarrhythmias, pacing, VT special and genetics). More sessions will be offered in the coming months.

Presenter: Laurent Macle, MD, FRCPC
Moderator: Jason Andrade, MD, FRCPC, FHRS

Learning Objectives:

1. Use a systematic approach for the interpretation of electrocardiograms of patients with tachyarrhythmia (communicator, collaborator, health advocate)
2. Identify the electrocardiographic criteria which make it possible to differentiate the different arrhythmia mechanisms (communicator, collaborator, health advocate)

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President: president@csct.ca

CEU Committee: ceucommittee@csct.ca

Education Director: educationdirector@csct.ca 

Registrar: registrar@csct.ca 

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Box 3121 Winnipeg, Manitoba 

R3C 4E6

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